SPRINGFIELD – Applications are now being accepted for the Small Equipment Grant Program benefiting fire departments and ambulance services, State Senator Doris Turner announced.
“Our fire departments are essential to our community, protecting residents every day,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “This grant program ensures they have the essential tools and resources to effectively do their jobs. I encourage local fire departments to apply for the funding.”
The Small Equipment Grant Program assists fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services in Illinois, particularly those experiencing difficulty in generating the necessary revenue for small equipment. The grants allow eligible applicants the opportunity to purchase small tools and equipment they may otherwise not be able to afford.
SPRINGFIELD – University and community college employees will receive their pay and benefits if a campus is closed due to a winter weather emergency, thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Doris Turner.
“All employees within our higher education institutions play a vital role in the normal, day-to-day operations on campus,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “No one should go unpaid without notice. That’s why I led this initiative to ensure workers receive the pay and benefits they deserve.”
Senate Bill 331 requires the Board of Trustees of each public university and community college to pay employees their daily, regular rate of pay and benefits if a campus is closed due to a city, county or state declaration of a winter weather emergency. The law does not apply if the day is rescheduled and the employee would be paid their daily, regular rate of pay and benefits for the rescheduled day when services are rendered.
DECATUR – With the federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, more affordable housing units will be available in Decatur, State Senator Doris Turner announced.
“I am beyond thrilled to see the old Garfield School won’t be demolished, but instead will be transformed into 63 units of new affordable housing for our seniors,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “This will help bring community development, jobs and housing options into Decatur.”
A total of $23.8 million in federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits will finance the creation and preservation of 16 affordable housing developments in 10 counties across Illinois. Once completed, the developments will offer 792 affordable units for low- to moderate-income families, seniors and persons with special needs.
“I applaud the Illinois Housing Development Authority and everyone involved in making this development possible,” said Turner. “I can’t wait to cut the ribbon when construction is complete.”
More information regarding LIHTC can be found here.
SPRINGFIELD – As a strong advocate for education, State Senator Doris Turner supported a new law creating the Department of Early Childhood to streamline the administration of early childhood education care programs and services.
“If we can’t give kids the resources they need at an early age, we are doing them a disservice,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “It’s our job to set students up to be lifelong learners by getting them in the classroom and ensuring they have every resource they need to succeed.”
Senate Bill 1 creates the Department of Early Childhood to be the lead agency for administering and providing early childhood education, care programs and services to children and families in Illinois. The new agency will be dedicated to making access to such state programs easier for parents and providers to navigate.
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