SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner secured over $3 million in awards for infrastructure projects in Decatur and Springfield from the Regional Site Readiness Program.
"We are committed to investing in the hardworking people of Central Illinois by boosting our economy and expanding job opportunities," said Turner (D-Springfield). "These projects will ensure we are in the best possible position to attract new job creators and take on future growth opportunities."
Through the bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is investing in the full spectrum of industrial site readiness needs on sites over 50-acres throughout the state.
The City of Decatur was awarded just over $3 million to build a water main extension for a 190-acre site and conduct a water infrastructure study for an 80-acre site. The Springfield Airport Authority was awarded $147,600 to conduct mapping and drainage study for 116-acres at Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport.
For more information on the projects, click here.